Financial Reporting

As a property manager, one our responsibilities is to provide owners with financial reporting on a regular basis. This includes:

1)  Monthly owner statement: An owner statement is a summary of the financial activity related to your property or properties. It includes information such as rent collected, expenses incurred, and net income for the specific period of time.

2)  1099: A 1099 is a tax form that is used to report income non-employment income. We issue a 1099 to owners for their tax purposes.

    Financial reporting is important because it allows owners to track the performance of your property and understand how your investment is generating income. It also provides important information to allow you to report income and pay the required taxes.

    During the management of your property, we’ll also handle other financial tasks like preparing and sending invoices, processing rent payments, and paying bills related to the property on your behalf. Carrying out these tasks accurately and efficiently is an important element of property management.

    As an owner, you can access current and historical statements 24/7 through your owner portal. You can also see current work orders and bills through your portal.

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